About SDX™

southern|DEMEANOR Xclusives™ - Exclusive fashion apparel, a step above the trends, with an art & cultural influence.

south·ern (adjective)/ˈsəT͟Hərn/
--- Of, relating to, or characteristic of the south or its inhabitants

de·mean·or (noun)/...diˈmēnər/
--- Outward behavior or attitude & appearance.

ex·clu·sive (adjective)/ikˈsklo͞osiv/
--- (of a commodity) Not obtainable elsewhere.




SouthernDemeanor™ is an authentic brand that mixes art with fashion & culture with style. Our exclusive collection of limited pieces include striking apparel & bold statement tees — far from basic, full of attitude, and designed with a sense of pride & empowerment.

Here's a bit of history on us:

southern|DEMEANOR Xclusives™ originally began as a t-shirt line, launched in 2011. The bold content of our graphic tees were birthed from the depths of expressive emotions & internal thoughts of our SheEO, and used as an outlet to voice the complexities of today's society. Currently, this street style brand utilizes the fashion platform to bring social awareness through style, attitude, values, & empowerment of our  deeply rooted southern culture, while extending compassion to issues that affect our living-day generation.

At Southern Demeanor™ Street Boutique, we do not get lost in the blends of basic trends. Our favorite shoppers are women of power who love to stand out with authenticity, and are so effortlessly fly through their own individuality. We also carry a limited collection of X C L U S I V E pieces for men & children to match their frequency,

It is highly recommended that you rock southern|DEMEANOR™ with G O D F I D E N C E ..and nothing less!

"Kinda street, kinda chíc?"
Shop with us today to experience a unique collection of streetwear & lifestyle clothing for the urban and classy!